#### SeXxY TaTTooED ViXeN ##### NeW LoCaTiOn ####### - 28

Posted : Tuesday, January 21, 2025 01:02 PM | 14 views

************ Emily: 404-201-5494 ***************** ### Life As You Know It Will Never Be The Same ####### 27yo / 5'1 /36DD Sensual, erotic massage Available 24/7 .... ****** Fetishes, Role Playing, BD/SM sessions are available on an individual basis. Additional donations will be required ****** IN: 15/ 60 30/ 90 60/ 130 OUT: 15/ 90 30/ 120 60/ 160 **** NO INAPPROPRIATE QUESTIONS **** ******** PLEASE READ ******** ****** NO TEXT MESSAGES! NO RESTRICTED ID CALLS! NO EMAILS ( I RARELY CHECK EMAIL, THEREFORE THEY WILL NOT BE ANSWERED ) !!! NO EXCEPTIONS !!! PLEASE CALL 30 MINUTES BEFORE YOU'D LIKE AN APPT... SERIOUS CALLERS ONLY!!!******* LEGAL NOTICE: By Contacting me, You attest Under Penalty of Perjury that you understand per GA Penal Code section 647(b) and GALJIC No. 16.420, the services discussed herein do not in any way include or relate to either: (1) engagement in any lewd act for money or other consideration, or (2) Solicitation, offer, or agreement to engage in any lewd act for money or other consideration This is Not an offer for prostitution. This is Not an escort service. Money will NOT be exchanged for any reason! No fees or tips of any kind will be quoted, negotiated, assessed, or collected in exchange for any sexual conduct in any way, shape, or form. Time is NOT charged for. There will be NO sexual activities in any way, shape, or form. Anything else that may occur is a matter of personal choice between two or more consenting adults of legal age, and is not contracted for, nor is it requested to be contracted for, or compensated for in any manner. best escort sites,brothels in atlanta,adultsearch escorts,listcrawler arrest 2024 tampa,shemale escorts in mi,female escorts atlanta georgia,list crawler chicago,naked body rub,dubuque iowa escorts,atlanta gay escorts
  • City : Atlanta
  • Poster's age : 26
  • Address : ATLANTA AREA